Price Comparisons Vision of Prices Term Paper

Total Length: 731 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Unleaded gasoline: Yes

Apple Computer: Definitely.

Technological has affected quality of these products?

Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar: Maybe. Upgrades in equipment that contribute to saving time, may potentially adversely affect quality, as with time savings, company may allocate increased responsibilities to employees.

Pepsi: $.99 for a 2 liter bottle: Maybe. Same reasons given for Hershey's Chocolate Bar.

McDonald's hamburger: Maybe. Same reasons given for Hershey's Chocolate Bar and Pepsi.

Unleaded gasoline: Yes.

Improve techniques, including robotics in refining oil contributes to improving the quality of the tickets.

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Apple Computer: Definitely. Today's computers have greatly improved to two technological advances fracturing them.

Based on what has happened to the purchasing power of people earning the minimum wage?

Hershey Bar: 1.45 oz - 40 cents; 1.65 oz cents/75 cent = 88% increase.

Pepsi: $.89 for a 2 liter bottle (historic food prices) = 11% increase.

McDonald's hamburger: 43 cents (historic food prices) = 130% increase.

Unleaded gasoline averaged 93 cents per gallon/$2.75 = 296% increase.

Mac Plus by Apple: $2,600/$2,299 =.....

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