Print Advertisements in Magazines Comparative Analysis of Term Paper

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Print Advertisements in Magazines

Comparative Analysis of TAG Heuer and Omega Watch Brands on Print Advertisements

Two important print advertisements that can be found in mass-produced magazines today are the ads of Tiger Woods for TAG Heuer and Pierce Brosnan for Omega, two brands of watches that offers distinctly different qualities of one similar kind of product, which is that of watches as time pieces. Also, these watch products are endorsed by two of the most popular and respected personalities in their fields, with Tiger Woods being the champion of numerous golf tournament championships, and Pierce Brosnan receiving acclaimed international success as the portrayer of the character James Bond in the 007 Series of movies. This paper will both compare each ad from different watch companies, and analyze and prove that the TAG Heuer print advertisement is a more effective ad for the purpose of advertising watches than Omega's ad with Pierce Brosnan in it.

One of the most important aspects of the TAG Heuer ad is that it illustrates a more effective visual than the Omega ad. The TAG Heuer ad shows Tiger Woods' full image (showing him dynamically posing towards the audience) at the left side of the page, while the page's rights side contains the line and body copy of the ad. The visual image of Tiger Woods shot in a dynamic pose gives the ad an impression of reality, while Omega's close host of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond does not influence its audience to experience the air of superiority that Brosnan projects in the Omega ad's visual.

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Because Tiger Woods is projected dynamically and at a full figure stance, TAG Heuer's ad becomes more effective visually than the stationary image of the Omega ad. Another important element in the visuals of the TAG Heuer ad is that the watch illustrated in the ad matches the fluidity of movement of Woods, whereas Omega's product seems to be outdated and stiff, just like the portrayal of Brosnan in the visual as James Bond.….....

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"Print Advertisements In Magazines Comparative Analysis Of", 16 January 2003, Accessed.18 June. 2024,