Production Management in This Modern Term Paper

Total Length: 424 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

If most of the manufactured fixtures were tailored to fit the requirements of clients, it would be hard to find a machine for every design there is. If there is such machine, it may cost relatively high, and this is as opposed to if the factory sold generic designs instead. In addition, the decision maker should make a research on how much the machines may cost and what types of equipments to buy. Another is that the decision maker must do some financial analysis, such as knowing when the company can actually get returns on the actual investment (ROI), and doing a cost-benefit analysis to see if the actual act of automating is feasible or not. Finally, one must be clear of the purpose or objective as to why the company should be geared toward automation.

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Is it to increase production? Minimize cost? Or maximize profit? If the decision maker is not very clear with regard to this matter, then any reasonable solution may be insufficient and possibly just go to waste.


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