IT Professionals Managing and Motivating Essay

Total Length: 909 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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3). Thus, one of the ways to meet the unique challenges posed by IT professionals is to encourage them to develop their contributions to a field they love while also allowing them to advance appropriately. By encouraging these professionals to operate independently, they are prepared to contribute to the company most efficiently through their innovative and solo work. This helps managers deal with the unique role that IT professionals play in companies. Managers do not need to motivate their employees through job-related threats or business-related rewards, as well as encouraging them with the company's hierarchy. Instead, it is wiser for managers to motivate their IT professionals through an appeal to their professional and scientific integrity.

While the special challenges provoked by IT professionals must be dealt with in order effectively motivate this group, Katz (2005) notes that motivating these professionals is not completely different than motivating other professionals. Indeed, Katz (2005) suggests that all employees like to feel like their jobs are important; they all can be motivated through enjoyment and appreciation and the promise of notoriety if they make real strides. Other common problems that all employees face include challenges that occur when diverse ethnic groups and different genders work together. These problems include differences certain cultures approach work environments, problems, challenges, and collaberation.

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In addition, misunderstandings in these kinds of situations often lead to discrimination or harassment allegations. In order to face these challenges, managers can use educational tools to encourage a positive view of diversity in the workplace. As America's workforce becomes more diverse and technology continues to be an important presence in American business, diversity in the workplace will continue to grow. Although this is as positive development, insuring that more methods of problem solving are brought forward, dealing with harassment and discrimination issues among IT professionals requires a study of the benefits of diversity to the IT profession and community. Gearing this type of programming toward the IT profession will engage professionals in such a way as to motivate them to perform adequately. In addition, by discussing how IT professionals can break boundaries for their culture, ethnic, and gender groups.

Thus, motivating IT professionals is a challenging feat for managers for both specialized and common reasons. However, managers can motivate these professionals by appealing to their sense of loyalty to their work and their appreciation for technology and science. Furthermore, by encouraging IT professionals to break boundaries and succeed, managers can encourage these integral members of a professional team to perform above and beyond the standard......

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