Project Execution Case Study

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MEDCOM's attempt to identify a more efficient project management model that can optimize functionality across the organization, particularly with respect to project managers and to the flows throughout MEDCOM. This process is a transformational process, because of several reasons.

MEDCOM has identified the problems it faces. These problems include "the lack of perceived information and expertise and bureaucracy of the environment" (Kashiwagi, Sullivan, Sullivan, Kashiwagi, (2008). It has also decided that change is in order and change implies a transformational process. MEDCOM aims to become an entity that is more effective and efficient and it looks to different ways in which this can be done. As part of the transformational process, one has both the proposed final objective (becoming a more efficient organization) and the steps to reach that objective (the recommendations that this paper will make for MEDCOM). With all these elements, the assessment is that this project is a transformational process.

It is important to point out that this entire process is a program, following the definition of the Project Management Institute (PMI), as presented by Ward (2008). Program management is seen as a "group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually." Since the organization aims to propose a new project management model, it looks to implementing a group of related projects aimed to increase efficiency and reduce bureaucracy. The discussion here is than about a transformational program rather than an isolated project.

One of the first issues that is noticeable is that the organization is a military one, which brings important challenges to the transformational process. A military organization is a rigorously bureaucratic one, with little flexibility, almost no initiative of action outside this rigorous framework, and with a well-defined chain of control. On one hand, the transformational program aims to reduce the organization's bureaucracy problem when it comes to managing projects, but, on the other hand, the structure of the organization implies a hierarchical decision making process.

From this perspective, the streamlining process will likely need to take place in a way that does not affect this given determinants.
It is difficult to actually change the hierarchical structure, it is a particularity of the Army, but things can be implement in the project management area that could improve the actual results of this type of structured approach.

The best approach to this is to look at similar organizations and BAE Systems is a good example in this sense, particularly because of its activity as a defense and aerospace company and its interaction with the Army. They decided on the implementation of an Earned Value Management (EVM) system to track costs and monitor performance (TPG Case Study, 2007). MEDCOM could benefit from such a system as well, since it aimed to make the project management model more efficient and since its costly project would fully motivate the use of EVM.

MEDCOM will need to identify an EVM solution that could be implemented organization-wide. With BAE Systems, the top priority was the integration of SAP with Microsoft Project. At MEDCOM, the challenge will be to identify the optimal technological solution that would be sufficiently flexible to address a large number of projects, in different locations.

So, the first recommendation for MEDCOM is to use information technology in order to streamline its activities and to implement a software solution that will match its need. This solution will need to be portable and accessible in different locations, given the general characteristic of the organization.

A cloud solution could be considered, since this has these overall key elements. However, such a solution will also have potential security problems, something that needs to be seriously considered in any case. MEDCOM is an Army organization, so some of the information it works with could be classified information. The security element is thus significant for the organization and will need to represent one of the criteria in the selection of a viable product.

Looking at the execution and control phase, improvements can be discussed by looking at each of the processes that are associated….....

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