Proposal on a Water Park Essay

Total Length: 604 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Building a Water Park

Statement of Work Project- Project Description and Project Product

The project will be to develop a water park. It is both an indoor and outdoor facility. The basic idea is to offer consumers with an assortment of rides throughout the year. We intend to do this, by purchasing a 500 acre property and developing two parts of it. The basic idea is to have enough room to address the current needs and expand in the future. The steps that will be taken include: buying the land, constructing the park, building a following of customers and continuously expanding to meet their needs. The final product will have a heated indoor wave pool. It offers over 30 different slides everyone can enjoy. In the summer, this will be connected with the outdoor pools and slides. (Mill, 2007)

Project Deliverables

The tangible outputs are the access to the rides, the food / beverages, special events and souvenirs. These items will be sold throughout the process of marketing the park. This will encourage someone to visit and enhance their experiences by offering cliental with reasonable prices when they arrive. These two factors and the assortment of rides will help them to feel like they are receiving greater value.
(Mill, 2007)

Project Objectives

The costs for building the park will be $5 million upfront. There will be continuing expenses on a monthly basis for utilities, wages and products of $20 thousand. The timeframe for completing the project will last 2 years. This begins, from the point the property is purchased and construction is started. The quality objectives are to find a location that is close to a major urban area and is easily accessible to numerous roads, public transportation systems and utilities. This will ensure that the park is reaching out to an assortment of customers. (Mill, 2007)

Project Assumptions

These assumptions are based upon the fact that commodities prices and labor costs remain low. If there is a change or shortage, this could create delays and cost overruns. At the same time, straight line projects are used to determine the monthly expenses for running the facility. Over the course of time, these figures will become inaccurate. (Mill, 2007)

Project Constraints

The factors which will have an effect on the project include: labor / wholesale costs, the availability of land, zoning regulations and support from the community. These variables will determine….....

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