Pros and Cons of Financial Grants to Essay

Total Length: 668 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Pros and Cons of Financial Grants to a Non-Profit Organization
Non-profit organizations operate for many varying reasons. These not-for-profit groups must seek funds from numerous sources, including government grants, foundation grants, and private donations. Though each may help the non-profit organization meet its financial goals, each have their own benefits and drawbacks to the organization.
When a non-profit group is searching for a grant, one source it may turn to is the local, state, or federal governments. When the government gives money to non-profit organizations in the form of grants it does not request that the money be repaid. One drawback to receiving or attempting to receive money from the government is that it has very strict policies on how the money is able to be used. The government often requires a non-profit organization to have one of three types of benefits in order to consider giving money to the organization. First, it will request that if money is given, it be used towards the operation of facilities the non-profit organization uses for enrollment coordination of their members.
Secondly, the money may be used for a combination of technology or personnel expertise in order to determine the eligibility of the members. Lastly, the grant may be used to assist the growth in the collaboration between non-profits and government entities. As long as an organization is able to meet one or more of these requirements, they are able to qualify for the grant and may then apply (Saunders, 2010).
If a non-profit organization is unable to meet the requirements set up by the government grants, or is unable to receive the grant due to competition, it has a few other options. A foundation grant is not related to the government, and is usually from a private foundation that is local, regional, or national. Unlike the government grant, the foundation grant does not have strict requirements for what the donation may be used for, except at the request of the foundation itself. Foundations make their donations….....

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