Psychology Foundation of Learning Term Paper

Total Length: 392 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Psychology Foundation of Learning -- Coping with a disobedient Child

Punishing the child to create a change in behavior would be one method to employ at the camp. This could be accomplished by creating an avoidant behavior punishment strategy by withdrawing the presence of the leader and the group, from the girl, when the child engages in self-harm or bites another individual. The punishment could involve forcing the girl to spend a 'time out' period in the camp director's office or in her bunk under the supervision of a reliable person, but not someone whom the girl feels the same positive feelings towards as her friends and the group leader.

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Or, the girl could be assigned an additional duty to the directive she initially refused.

Method II: Substitution

Substituting an alternative behavior by reinforcing an incompatible response in the girl is another possibility to deal with her behavior. The stimulus (S1) for the biting or insulting might be frustration at being 'told what to do,' for example. Instead of lashing out at herself or others, the girl could be asked to voluntarily withdraw herself from the group until she felt she could complete the directive. If….....

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