PTSD Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Term Paper

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, 2003).

The results of the study found that cocaine/PTSD were younger that alcohol/PTSD subjects (Back et al., 2003). Additionally, the researchers found that the alcohol/PTSD participants were more likely to be married and have more intimate friends than the cocaine/PTSD participants. In addition, the study found that alcohol/PTSD participants were more likely to be employed full time (Back et al., 2003). The alcohol/PTSD participants were also more likely to be employed for longer periods of time (Back et al., 2003). In addition, women with cocaine/PTSD were more likely to be arrested for prostitution than alcohol PTSD. The study also found that there were high rates of sexual trauma associated with the development of PTSD (Back et al., 2003). In addition, the alcohol/PTSD groups were more likely to have developed PTSD as a result of a car accident or some other severe incidents.

Overall, the researchers assert that the study revealed, "women in the alcohol/PTSD group were rated as having higher PTSD symptoms. The greater social and employment impairment coupled with less severe PTSD symptom profile observed among women in the cocaine/PTSD, compared with the alcohol/PTSD, group may be attributed to the substance-specific properties of alcohol and cocaine. For example, using alcohol may worsen PTSD symptoms but not necessarily worsen social or functional impairment to the extent that cocaine dependence, or factors related to cocaine dependence, might (Back et al., 2003)."


Once again, this study confirms that results of past research, which asserts that PTSD and alcohol abuse, are interrelated. Additionally, the researchers found that those that used alcohol had more severe cases of PTSD. This indicates that the use of alcohol may be more effective in anesthetizing the anxiety associated with PTSD. There is also some indication that the older participants suffer from more severe PTSD because the alcohol/PTSD was older than the cocaine/PTSD group.

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Review Study 3 final study entitled Victimization and PTSD in Individuals with Substance Use Disorders: Gender and Racial Differences" seeks to report the gender and racial differences between Victimization and PTSD in Individuals with Substance Use Disorders (Dansky et al. 1997). The participants in the study were 95 inpatients (34 male and 61 female patients) (Dansky et al. 1997). There were 41 African-Americans, 52 Caucasians, and 2 other minorities (Dansky et al. 1997). The participants were assessed for substance abuse/dependence, trauma, and PTSD (Dansky et al. 1997). Most participants abused with cocaine or alcohol (Dansky et al. 1997).

The results of the study revealed that nearly all of the women and men who sought treatment for substance use disorders reported that they had experienced a sexual and/or physical assault during their lifetime (Dansky et al. 1997). Additionally, "more than 40% of this treatment-seeking sample had current crime-related PTSD (CR-PTSD)... The lack of racial or gender differences for all types of direct assault except rape is a notable finding... In addition, contrary to some evidence that African-American women are at increased risk for certain types of assaults (18), it is possible that in samples of substance-abusing patients Caucasian and African-American individuals are equally likely to have an assault history (Dansky et al. 1997)."


This study is significant because it reveals that among people with substance abuse disorders there is not significant difference in the rate of assault. This illustrates that assault is a predictor of future substance abuse regardless of race. Additionally, the study reveals that assault is a predictor of the development of PTSD......

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