Public Administration Ethics Globalization Without Term Paper

Total Length: 582 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In this sense, globalization represented an obvious benefit to American industry, but at great cost to some of the workers who toiled away in conditions reminiscent of the first century of industrialized society in this part of the world. Several high profile instances (such as the conditions in which foreign workers produced American athletic wear) in the late twentieth century highlighted the need for governmental regulation in already) industrialized society to prevent exporting child labor exploitation and industrial pollution along with the opportunity for employment to parts of the world where economic conditions make even the most difficult and potentially dangerous work an attractive option to perpetual unemployment and starvation (Hollender, 1990).

Globalization represents the opportunity to improve the lives of billions of people, particularly in parts of the Far East, who are still living in conditions that have long been considered unacceptable in Western society.

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It also represent the opportunity to exploit those same people through the unconcerned pursuit of financial profit. The obvious moral imperative incumbent on the governments of wealthier nations is simply to use increasing globalization as a vehicle to improve the most basic elements of life in less fortunate parts of the world by assisting their efforts to achieve modernized medicine, sanitation, and food production, as well as the regular availability of fresh drinking water.

At a bare minimum, this includes prohibiting the export of labor exploitation and industrial pollution that Western governments recognized as important enough to address in this part of the world as soon as their potential for causing harm and human suffering was recognized almost a full century ago......

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