Pushing for Interoperability Between Different Providers Essay

Total Length: 792 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Marketing Approach and Data Exchange

Interoperability refers to the ability of two systems to exchange information and make use of the information that has been exchanged (Kasthurirathne, Mamlin, Kumara, Grieve, & Biondich, 2015). While the term is used interchangeably with health information exchange, they do not refer to the same thing. The two words do go together and one cannot exist without the other. In order for interoperability to occur there should be some exchange of information. However, this is not the only part of interoperability. Health information can be exchanged between different systems and what matters the most is the ability of the receiving system to understand the terminology and vocabulary that has been used by the sending system.

The marketing approach to encourage health care vendors to exchange data

The current hardships that are facing the industry when it comes to the exchange and sharing of data have to do with the vendor and provider competitiveness. EHR vendors make it hard to share information between different systems and care providers are also unwilling to share data with other care providers. To encourage the exchange of data the providers have to see the benefits that they will reap from the exchange.

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At the moment most of them do not see any benefits. Currently, hospitals are able to share data with other hospitals that are part of their health system (Cardoso et al., 2018). This demonstrates that the exchange of data is possible and what is mostly required is willingness. Therefore, in order to achieve data exchange, there is a need to ensure that data is shared by all the providers. Demonstrating the benefits that can be reaped by being connected to other communication networks like access to ongoing studies and other relevant information (Cardoso et al., 2018). This way providers will not feel the need to restrict or make it hard for information to be shared. Policy incentives are already in place that does encourage the sharing of data. However, the implementation of these policies should be stepped up. This way providers will stand to gain from data exchange and they will not seem like they are losing a patient when they allow another provider to access the patient data.

Customization of systems to fit with other systems cost money and this can be a limitation. Therefore, encouraging system vendors to develop standardized systems will….....

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