Quality Information, Organization Report. Body Two: Discuss Essay

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quality information, organization report. Body Two: Discuss Format report, quality information, and organization report.

Report analysis: Comparing two police reports 'Just the facts, ma'am.' On the surface, compiling an effective police report may seem to be just that: an effective presentation of the facts. However, to create a 'simple' factual report is seldom easy. Clarity, brevity, and high-quality organization of information is essential to make a report readable and valuable to other members of the force and to members of the public. To create a report that reads easily takes a great deal of effort. This can be seen in the comparison of the two following police reports, the second of which is far more carefully written than the first.

The first report is problematic even in its subject heading. Its title is nondescript and vague, and merely states 'crimes.' Given that the report is submitted by a member of the Springdale Police Department, the subject is general and obvious. A better subject title is manifest in the second report, which reads "Crime Rate for Second Quarter of 2011." The first report is also written in vague, narrative language, and includes phrases like "this report will let you know what happened" and "this report is based on statistics.

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" In contrast, the clarity of the title of the second report immediately informs the reader what the subject matter is, namely the specific types of crimes that will be catalogued and described in the report.

The first report is difficult to follow because it presents the figures about crime statistics in paragraph form. This makes comparing the different violations very challenging. Although the information regarding the change in different crimes from one quarter to the next is present in the first report, the numbers are offered in such an amorphous fashion it is difficult to compare the increase or decrease from month to month or between different categories of crime severity.

In contrast, the second report offers the results in tabular form, and then discusses the results of the report in paragraphs. The information is written in a professional-sounding tone, in contrast to the colloquial language of the first report, which uses….....

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