How Does Race Function in Accordance to Gender Identity in the Movie Entre Nos? Essay

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Race and Gender in the Movie Entre Nos

Entre Nos

One of the most common cities in the United States for Colombian immigrants to flee to, like Mariana and her family did in the 2009 film, Entre Nos, is to the projects of Jackson Heights in Queens, New York, known by the residents as "El Chapinerito" which is named after the city of Bogota in their country. Many Colombian immigrants left the country for the States after the trade and industry depression in the 1960s to search for work in the bigger urban cities to be able to provide for their families like millions of other settlers. From 1960 to 1977 the Immigration and Naturalization Service reported almost 120,000 Colombians migrated to the United States to set themselves free from their poverty stricken streets to a more industrialized nation like the diverse and booming market that was developing within and surrounding suburbs of New York City to support their families they brought or either left behind (Sturner, 2011). The movie, Entre Nos, was written and directed by Paola Mendoza, who stars as protagonist Mariana, who was inspired by factual events about Mariana and her Colombian family of two children, a baby on the way, and a husband who was living within Jackson Heights. The motion picture reflects how difficult it is surviving and living as a minority in harmony to the inner self, and more people are able to understand the reality of what life is like as a migrant trying to take care of their family in a foreign land with the constant worry of failure as a parent, pressure from society, and with no education.

Even though the United States has always been a place for diversity of many nationalities and outsiders to many countries and foreign lands, their educational background has limited these people to break social, educational, and occupational barriers like Mariana and her family had trouble with in Queens, New York. Many women and men who come to live that may bring their loved ones are uneducated and do not know how to speak English and the children are the only ones who know how to communicate for millions of parents with English as a second language in their countries.

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It is hard for these men and women who are deemed by society as illiterate to communicate with employers, landlords, schools, and function in their daily lifestyles who spend years learning possibly never becoming completely knowledgeable unless determined like the mother, Mariana in this movie did when her husband, Antonio, deserted her and her two kids and one on the way to leave for Miami. When Gabriel leaves for Miami leaving his wife and kids in New York to struggle with nothing but themselves, it represents how many families who are uneducated and cannot communicate struggle to make it in America from other countries and what they have to do to learn how to make it in the environment they are unfamiliar with. The family begins picking up the pieces of their lives like many other women who are single parents and from different ethnicities that have trouble finding a good career and education when the mother decides how she is going to help her family out of the situation they are in.

The new single mother, Mariana, has to learn how to get along in society like with talking to her neighbors, landlords, people on the street, and has to learn to become accepted and communicate with people to be….....

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