Radon Gas Is a Major Term Paper

Total Length: 1747 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The information gathered from testing the two houses shows how radon can be present in the homes anywhere. The gas affects the house without regard to the houses age, the economic situation of the occupants, or any other factors. Since only two houses were checked, truly accurate results for the area as a whole cannot be calculated due to the small population size. The occupants of the homes had no knowledge of the radon levels in their homes nor had they ever had them tested.
Luckily the levels were too low to cause any serious effects. Out of the two women, only one had any knowledge of radon and the seriousness it; but even with the knowledge she had never tested or had tested the home.

Awareness must be made to alert the public to this issue and availability to test equipment for lower income families provided. Lung cancer from smoking already claims enough lives without the radon gas adding another 21000 to the totals......

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