Raptors Had Tied the Game Essay

Total Length: 662 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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I don't shy away from hard work and effort. I have already taken several computer science courses that enriched and stimulated me, offering me the basic knowledge that will prepare me for further education in the field. Therefore, I apply to Montclair State already aware of the particular set of challenges computers pose.

As a college applicant, I am also aware that university entry is highly competitive, every bit as competitive as football. With my unique background and special set of talents, however, I am confident that I make an ideal candidate for admissions. Not only have I excelled at computer science classes, but I also do well in general math and science as well as the humanities. Moreover, I am focused and determined to succeed in my chosen field, while at the same time open and interested in learning new things.

Collaboration and cooperation are two other reasons why I know I would fare well in the field of computer science. As a football kicker, I need to always collaborate and cooperate with my teammates.
I need to be willing to take criticism from my coaches, complete plays suggested by the captain, and offer support and assistance to my teammates. I have encountered similar situations in classes in school, especially when we worked on group projects. Computer science in particular lends itself to group projects because of the high level of task complexity involved in many it assignments. I have already been able to demonstrate my ability to meet challenges, compete at high levels with enthusiasm, and cooperate and collaborate with other willing workers and students. As I look forward to the future, I hope to be able to apply the skills I have acquired so far to a university environment. I know that I will be a valuable addition to the computer science department at Montclair State, where I can also participate in extracurricular activities including but not limited to the sport….....

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