Realist Theory Perspective on Ukraine Russia War Essay

Total Length: 687 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The Events Leading up to and including the 2022 Russian Invasion of UkraineThe 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine can be traced back to a series of events beginning with Putin’s rise to power in Russia and the plot to overthrow pro-Russian leaders in Ukraine by Boris Berezovsky and other anti-Putin oligarchs (Mohiuddin 2007, 681). Among the most notable individuals and states involved in these circumstances were Russia under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, Ukraine, NATO, and the United States, as well as non-state actors such as separatists in Eastern Ukraine.The groundwork for this conflict was laid with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991, which left a power vacuum in the region and altered geopolitical landscapes. Russia faced a diminished global influence, saw NATO\'s eastward expansion, and eventually Ukraine\'s intention to join the alliance, as a threat to its national security and sphere of influence (Karabeshkin and Spechler 2007, 307). Anti-Putin oligarchs like Berezovsky saw Ukraine as a lever with which to attack Putin’s Russia.The situation deteriorated further after the color revolution of 2003-4, which saw Yanukovych’s election overturned thanks in part to protests supported by Berezovsky and others. Elected a few years later, Yanukovych again faced opposition in the form of the 2013-2014 Euromaidan protests in Ukraine, which resulted in his fleeing to Russia and a pro-western government being formed in Kiev (Britannica 2023).

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…of non-state actors, such as the separatists in Eastern Ukraine, can also be viewed through the lens of Realism. These actors, though not states themselves, have been useful in the advance of Russian interests and influence in the region. This reveals the complex character of power politics.In conclusion, the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine serves as a stark illustration of the Realism theory in action. Historical grievances, geopolitical ambitions, and strategic considerations guided the key actors involved, most notably Russia under the leadership of Putin. National self-interest superseded international law and ethical considerations, reinforcing the realist notion of an anarchic international system. The role of non-state actors, such as Eastern Ukraine\'s separatists, further underlines the realist….....

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