Reducing Recidivism Through Counseling Term Paper

Total Length: 864 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Criminal Justice

The author of this report has been asked to offer a series of answers to a questions. These questions. The questions center on the construction and testing of a theory. In the case of these questions and this report, these questions would center on the idea of testing the theory that some short-term counseling of young offenders will counteract the notion that some of these young offenders are prone to have and that would be that their incorporation into the prison and legal system is a rite of passage and "no big deal." To test this theory, there will be definitions of the theory itself, the hypotheses that will be tested via experimentation and study, how that study would be carried out, how the hypothesis would be tested and the limitations that would exist as part of the study. While testing the above material would not be an exact science, it can certainly be done.


The theory in question would be as follows. There are some youths among the broader youth base, including the youth offender base in particular, that take a casual and accepting approach of being matriculated into the criminal justice system. Rather than be "scared straight" by it or otherwise incurred to break away from any pattern of crime or violence, some offenders take an entirely too nonchalant approach to being charged, tried or convicted of a crime.

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Something that might show promise is the use of short-term counseling for "novice" criminals that have not yet committed any repeat or serious offenses. This counseling is seen by some as a way to steer minor youth offenders away from eventual life of crime. The theory is that young novice criminals who are educated on why crime is unacceptable and how to forge a better life will be more apt to not recidivate and continue their life of crime.

There will be two main hypotheses for this study and they are very inter-related. First, it will be posited that the young minor offenders who do not receive a counseling intervention will be more likely to engage in a protracted life of crime. The other hypothesis is that those that do have the counseling will be less likely to engage in said lifestyle. In terms of how the study would be conducted, the author would find a group of offenders at the same prison. It is important to….....

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