Reform Judaism and the Palestine Conflict Essay

Total Length: 345 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Compare JudaismOrthodox Judaism refers to the form of Judaism in practice since the destruction of the second Temple by the Romans around 70 AD. Orthodox Jews observe fasts and the kosher restrictions on what may or may not be eaten by believing Jews. They follow the prescriptions observed in the Talmud; the men wear black suits and black hats and many grow out their sidelocks in accordance with Talmudic custom: “Do not round off the hair at the edges of your heads” (Danzger, 1989). The purpose of growing their hair long was to show their difference from idol and pagan worshippers: the Jews wanted to distinguish themselves as followers of the true God, and today the Orthodox continue the practice.Reform Judaism refers to the new “Westernized” form of Judaism that came about in the 19th century and was motivated by Enlightenment ideals regarding. Reform Jews sought to blend in more with Western society: rather than worship on Saturday, they shifted to worshipping on Sunday like those in the Christian West. They dressed like Westerners and blended in with society so that all external indicators of Jewishness were suppressed.

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They de-emphasized the Hebrew language and read verses in the vernacular of their society.They are similar in that the fundamental beliefs are the same—but they are vastly different in terms of how the Jews in each camp are expected to behave. Orthodox Jews are much more rigid and like purists in their expression of religion; Reform Jews believe it is okay to blend in and conceal external devotion so as not to create rifts between the Jewish community and non-Jews. One contemporary issue related to justice that challenges this tradition is the Israel-Palestine conflict: many believe Israel is the aggressor in this war and Jews in both camps seek to bring about a peaceful solution that satisfies all (Religious Action Center, 2020)......

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