Regulatory Law With Regard to Term Paper

Total Length: 692 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The study illustrates through the use of many other situations as examples that the government is not upholding and enforcing the ESA the way it should be when it comes to fresh water mussels and their current threat of extinction.


This study was extremely thorough and dedicated to providing the most information possible in its completion.

It incorporated an educational component in which it explored the law as well as the fresh mussel species.

Because of the method it used in examining the problem through a case study that held fresh mussels and their plight against hundreds of similar situations, and pointed out the differences and outcomes in those situations this case study should be considered thorough and well done research.

The public and private sector can use this study in decision making when it comes to current and future development questions in their areas.

One example would be a land developer that wanted to build a subdivision near some fresh water marshes.
This study can be used to link the developers researchers to studies that help find loopholes for that developer to get out of making adjustments for the plan.

Alternatively government agencies can use this study as a backdrop to determine what it is and is not mandated to follow with regard to future development and the fresh water mussel.

In addition, advocates of the fresh water mussel can examine this study to see where problems have occurred in the past and begin working ahead of time to fend off any of the similar issues when it comes to the future land development and compliance with ESA in their area.

This study was an excellent example of how a well done piece of research can provide answers for everyone that has an interest in a topic, regardless of the "side" one is on.


Biber, Eric (2002) the application of the Endangered Species Act to the protection of….....

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