Relationship Among Self-Esteem, Stress, Coping, Eating Behavior, Article Review

Total Length: 1371 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Relationship Among Self-Esteem, Stress, Coping, Eating Behavior, and Depressive Mood in Adolescents

What is the research problem? Is the problem statement easy to locate and is it clearly stated? Does the problem statement build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study?

The research problem explores the relationship between coping strategies, emotional problems and the tendency to overeat in adolescence. The problem statement is easy to identify and is contained in a properly labeled separate section located at the beginning of the study. The problem statement uses statistical data about the need to control obesity and adolescents as the key persuasive argument for the study.

Does the problem have significance for nursing? How might the research contribute to nursing practice, administration, education, or policy?

The study has significance for the nursing profession due to the health related problems that are caused by obesity. The problems do not end with overweight adolescents and the research indicates that overweight adolescents tend to grow into overweight adults. As adults the person is more likely to develop diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other problems that could be prevented if the psychosocial problems that led to the obesity are resolved during the adolescent years. Finding a way to prevent adult diseases through behavioral change is the primary goal of the research study.

The study has implications in all areas of nursing including practice, administration, education, and policy. The problem that is approached by the research will help in the development of educational programs to help curb obesity in adolescence. Administration will be affected by the research as they develop programs and policies within the organization for helping adolescent teens. In practice, the nurse can help to spot and manage individual adolescents that are at risk for obesity during their adult years.

3) Is there a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm within the research that was conducted?

The research problem is preventive in nature and focused on behavioral modification and the development of adequate coping mechanisms for teens with emotional issues. The research was based on the paradigm that teens who lack adequate social supports will engage in avoidant coping mechanisms, which can lead to overheating and obesity.

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The program was based on the idea that providing adequate social support for teens would result in more effective coping strategies for stress. The paradigm is in alignment with the research problem, in that it will result in specific actions that provide solutions to the primary research problem.

4) Does the report formally present a statement of purpose, research question and/or hypothesis? Is this information communicated clearly and concisely, and is it placed in a logical and useful location?

The research contains specific research questions and hypothesis sections. Both of the sections were stated in a concise and clear manner that clearly related to the research problem stated earlier. They were placed directly after the problem statement, which is to traditional location for the sections.

5). Are the purpose statements or questions worded appropriately? For example are key concepts/variables identified and the population of interest specified? Are verbs used appropriately to suggest the nature of research tradition?

The purpose statements and questions were worded appropriately and that they provided clarity as to the need for this study. They supported the intended research and how it would solve the problems that were identified. Verbs were used appropriately and the language chosen was consistent with that of the research tradition. They clearly identified the population for the research study, but identification of research variables was inadequate. The concepts behind the design use standard empirical methods. The presence of comorbid conditions within the teens and other confounding variables was not adequately addressed. The research needs to provide a contingency for addressing confounding variables. Addressing these issues would make the research much stronger.

6) If there is no formal hypothesis, is the absence justified? Are statistical test used in analyzing the data despite the absence of stated hypothesis?

The research does have a formal hypothesis and statistical analysis was used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. The statistical methods chosen were….....

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