Relationship Pass the Vertical Line Test, for Essay

Total Length: 342 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

relationship pass the vertical line test, for being a function?

What is its range?

What is its domain?

What are its X-intercepts, if any?

(3,0) (6,0)

What is its Y-intercept, if any?

What is the nature of the relationship (linear, quadratic, etc.)?

nonlinear and nonquadratic

What is the value of f (x) at x=-2? (3)

Does the relationship pass the vertical line test, for being a function?

What is its approximate range?

What is its approximate domain?

What are its X-intercepts, if any?

What are its Y-intercepts, if any?

What is the nature of the relationship (linear, quadratic, etc.)?


What is/are the approximate y-value(s) of the relationship at x=3? (2)

What is its range?

(-6, +?)

What is its domain?

Determine the approximate x-intercepts by inspection; that is, looking at the plot. Verify these results by calculating the x-intercepts (roots of the equation).

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X-intercepts (-3,0) (2,0)

(x+3)(x-2) = 0

X = -3 or 2

18. Determine the approximate y-intercept(s) by inspection. Verify these….....

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