Representing the Profession in the Community Essay

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Nursing Roles for the Elderly

Nursing professionals play a number of valuable and important roles for members of society. They act as reliable sources of information regarding health issues. They also act as educators and counselors to help patients adjust to changes in their health, treatment and lifestyle. Most importantly, nurses act as caregivers who look after the physical, psychological as well as emotional well-being of their patients. Some of these roles become more essential and pronounced for elderly patients because of their distinct needs as opposed to those experienced by other patient groups.

Nurses as Caregivers for the Elderly

The most important role of nursing professionals is that of a caregiver or care provider. Nurses provide care to patients at the hospital as well as at home in the capacity of private nurses. They help patients in the administering of medical treatment and in following the lifestyle changes recommended by the physician. They also provide assistance to those with limited or restricted mobility.

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This role is especially important for elderly patients who become restricted in their bodily movements due to old age or medical ailments. Some of them also face difficulty in processing information around them and need constant care and attention to ensure their safety. As caregivers, nurses provide their elderly patients with assistance in performing daily tasks such as helping them with their toilette including shaving, dressing and cleansing; having balanced and nutritious meals; and taking medication on time. They also help the elderly in their exercise regimen through physiotherapy as well as by taking them out for fresh air in the community. They also help to keep their elderly patients adequately stimulated through engaging as well as relaxing activities. In the absence of family members, nursing professionals provide these essential functions for the elderly patients so that they may be well looked after when they are vulnerable and in need of care and attention.

Nurses as.....

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