Republic of Tanzania Is Officially Called the Essay

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Republic of Tanzania

Tanzania is officially called the United Republic of Tanzania and was formed when Tanganyika and Zanzibar were combined in 1964. This country is situated towards East Africa (Tanzania, 2007). On its borders are situated Kenya and Uganda towards the north, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Burundi towards the west. Towards the east side are situated Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. On the east side of the country, Indian Ocean is located. United Republic of Tanzania has been divided into thirty further regions. Five of these regions are located on the semi-autonomous islands of Zanzibar; meanwhile twenty five of these regions are situated on the main land in the area that is part of the previous Tanganyika (Central Intelligence Agency, 2009).

In this paper we shall look at the two different areas of study of the United Republic of Tanzania. The chosen areas of study are economy and culture of Tanzania. We shall how these two things have developed and evolved over time since Tanzania came into being.


Primarily, the economy of Tanzania is based on agriculture and thus accounts for about over half of the GDP generated. This also provides about 75% of the exported items and about 75% of the labor is employed in this field. However, only 4% of the total land area in the country is used for crop cultivation. This is due to the climate and topography being a limitation in cultivation.

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The country is also blessed with a good reserve of natural resources that include natural gas, minerals and tourism.

In 2000s, the extraction of natural gas was started. After getting drawn to Dar Es Salaam, the commercial capital, this gas is then exported internationally. This country is also rich in reserves of uranium, diamonds, gold, coal, chrome, iron, tin, niobium and nickel, to name a few. In 2012, it was announced that a volcano has collapsed about 200 km towards the north of Mount Ngualla. This area was rich in earth's oxide deposits (Peak Resources, 2012).

According to statistics, United Republic of Tanzania is labeled as the third largest manufacturer of gold in Africa, first and second being South Africa and Ghana. Apart from its gold production, the country is also famous for Tanzanite, which is a form of an expensive gemstone that can only be found in Tanzania. In the late 90s, the minerals sector started to progress and it made significant discoveries that were made public. The economy of this country is yet only confined to agriculture.

Economic expansion from the years 1991 to 1999 was based on industrial production that resulted in significant increase in the production of minerals, especially gold. Natural gas was also produced from the Songo Island that is situated in the India Ocean (Songo Gas-Electricity Project, 2010).

When we talk about the recent developments in the public sector and the banking.....

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