Resource Shortage Term Paper

Total Length: 1282 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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region suffering from resource shortages. The writer explores the region of Iraq and its current problems with water, food, power and other issues. The writer looks at the problems, the political and economic issues behind the problems and how the problem is affecting the society. The writer then defends the resource management decisions that are being proposed. There were four sources used to complete this paper.

In recent years the world has become painfully aware that it is running out of resources. Nations have begun to work together to preserve fuel, water, power, food and other needed sources for mankind's survival. Different regions struggle with different issues. The middle east is well-known for its water and food problems and recently Iraq has moved to the forefront of publicity because of the war, but before the war began the nation was struggling with its resource needs. Today, the problems have intensified and while the nation works to rebuild it continues the programs that were in place to try and preserve and protect the resources the nation uses.

Water is a resource that Iraq as well as the rest of the Middle East has been struggling with for many years. The desert conditions, and the continued droughts that are often experienced, work together to create water shortages on a regular basis.

The shortage of drinking water as well as water to be used for farming has concerned Iraqi experts for years. While there have been many suggestions including large elaborate pipe systems and cooling systems for the oceans the expense and the obstacles prevent such ideas from coming to fruition (Thick, 1995).

The region faces drought every four years. Farming, which greedily swallows at least 80% of the region's water, is most affected. But the population doubles itself every 25 years or so and, as people move to the cities, their standards of living rise. Some cities are already on the edge: Taiz, in Yemen, has had piped water once every 21 days;

Amman, Jordan's capital, rations its piped supplies, and unrationed drinking water from tankers costs more than the poor can pay (Thick, 1995).

Without water, nothing can live. The ability to grow produce, raise meat, and live are inhibited. Because of the importance of water to mankind, the shortage of water in Iraq has been a political issue for the past few years. Politically Iraq has worked to bring water in using what resource it does have, oil as a bartering tool. Shifting water between the Middle Eastern nations is not uncommon as a means of survival and is often used as a political platform during times of crisis (Thick, 1995).

Another resource that is threatened in the region is electricity.

Electricity for Iraq has been an ongoing issue. There have been many political arguments between Iraq and the U.S. regarding what Iraq alleged was breached electricity contracts.

The contracts put on hold were for buying gas turbine units, steam turbine units and other electric equipment, said the official. He said that during the "U.S.-led aggression" in 1991, some 60-90% of Iraqi power stations were destroyed, with some still not being rehabilitated, and as a result electricity supply in the country is far from enough (Contracts, 1999). As severe winter approaches, Baghdad has been subjected to electricity failure twice every day and at least two hours each time, and power supply is even worse in other parts of the country. Under the oil-for-food deal, Iraq is allowed to sell limited amount of oil in every six months to buy food, medicine and infrastructure-related materials for its people (Contracts, 1999)."

In the past the nation has used its massive oil production abilities to barter for food, water, electricity and other needed resources. However, by using the oil to garner the ever increasing resource needs of its growing population the oil….....

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