Responses to a Case About Workplace Communication Essay

Total Length: 667 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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In light of the new information provided in the case, it is clear that both sides have legitimate concerns. Max is concerned about employee morale as well as productivity. Sue is also concerned with employee morale and productivity, but also organizational culture. Although Sue’s communication style seems abrasive and defensive, she makes some valid points that should be heard rather than dismissed out of hand. For one, Sue is correct that simply asking others if she can help them should not be misinterpreted as criticism. If Sue is faster and more productive than her colleagues, her supervisors should commend her behavior and call upon the other members of the team to improve their performance outputs, rather than asking Sue to change. Second, Sue is right that some of the engineers have been setting an artificially slow pace. In so doing, the workers are not just harming productivity and outputs for the company, but also undermining workplace culture by creating a “boys club.” Sue is experiencing a toxic work environment and likely more gender-based discrimination than a superficial reading of the case might suggest. Already in a male-dominated field and workplace, Sue is getting shut out systematically, as she is outnumbered.

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The men on the team set the tone and the pace, and Sue has few allies, which is why she has to…

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…events. This way, the members of the team can get to know each other and gain respect and trust for one another. Unlike the Aranda (2000) case, the engineers are being compensated well; their frustration is more related to interpersonal communications breakdowns than to workplace environment issues, too. Just as the managers in the Aranda (2000) case had to make global, organization-wide changes to the budget in order to solve human resources problems, I would also have to consult with my partners in senior management to come up with comprehensive solutions to the problem. When we clarify our overall goals, we can achieve desired outputs as well as cultivate a healthier and more….....

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