Responsibility Ethicists Have Discussed Responsibility As Far Essay

Total Length: 733 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Ethicists have discussed responsibility as far back at least as Aristotle, usually in terms of responsibility for the results of one's own voluntary actions (Burke 2006). Some actions, however, carry responsibility even if we were not the direct cause or agent, for example our own existence. All of us come into the world through the action of our parents before we are even capable of intentional action. We all must learn to survive, communicate and support ourselves through the support and guidance of those around us, regardless of the specific individuals who fill those roles. These caregivers become our de facto family until we become self-sufficient. This care brings about an obligation to those who invest the time, effort and expense into raising us into independence. Therefore we all have a responsibility either to specific individuals or to others in general if those individuals are no longer present. This can be as simple as being present, or being available if our absence causes worry or distress, or extend as far as a responsibility to return that care either to our own children, or to the family who protected, fed and sheltered us when we were vulnerable children unable to provide for ourselves, even though our existence was in no way the result of our own intentional action.

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This also results in a responsibility to eventually stop depending on those others for support, and provide for ourselves, and perhaps even others in order to pay back the investment those caregivers put into our independence. If we want to avoid moral inconsistency and thus accept a 'Golden Rule' ethic where we must treat others as we would be treated, this responsibility then extends to all others especially vulnerable populations like children and the elderly.

Performance at work more resembles the first type of responsibility, where the direct action we took was agreeing to participate in the workforce. While checking groceries at the market may not seem like a profound responsibility, by accepting the job I agreed to show up on time, in compliance with certain agreements like dress code and sobriety, and perform the duties for which I expect to be paid. If I don't show up….....

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