Rethinking Military History the Goal Essay

Total Length: 1967 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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These elements of Black's argument represent the greatest contribution to military historiography in the book, because they highlight previously ignored aspects of military history that offer important insights into the development of military organization and practice. In many ways, downplaying the importance of technology leads naturally to a greater appreciation of the importance of political tasking, because it reveals that military history, contrary to popular assumptions regarding the single-mindedness of military endeavors, is characterized by conflicting goals or tasks, and that the particular strategies and technologies developed and deployed by militaries represent not so much the Darwinian evolution of capability in response to particular problems, but rather the nuanced and often contradictory influences of differing political interests.

Despite perpetuating some of the underlying problems inherent in all extant military history, Jeremy Black's Rethinking Military History nevertheless provides useful insight into some of the major issues facing military historiography.
Furthermore, even the critical omissions discussed above point the way towards a more robust criticism of military history, because they highlight the influence of military organization, practice, and discourse on military history itself. Thus, one may consider Black's book an important contribution to both military history and historical scholarship in general, because its shortcomings only serve to highlight the importance of continued self-reflection and examination on the part of military historians, and ts contributions cut straight to the heart of those issues which have kept military history from demonstrating the same level of critical and academic rigor expected of other fields......

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