Rise of the Robber Barons: Term Paper

Total Length: 547 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Although they were considered as the bastions and foundation of America's industries and commerce, they were also considered 'models' of the gradually increasing social inequality in the country, having conquered and controlled almost all businesses in the country: railroad lines, oil refineries, and steelworks. They were also images of business owners who had subsisted to corrupting the government in order to win business contracts and biddings and conduct their business operations without any intervention from the government.

Rockefeller was an industrialized who specialized in building construction in New York City, and though he was rumored to be one of the Robber Barons, his philanthropic activities downplayed the negative image that his wealth and businesses impressed upon the American society. Similarly, Carnegie, owner of Carnegie Steel Company, was criticized for controlling 25% of the country's iron and steel production.
However, like Rockefeller, Carnegie's philanthropic programs and activities became a point for society to consider him a role model for the society rather than a Robber Baron. Collis Huntington, American railroad magnate, was the owner of the Central Pacific Railroad (in 1861) and founder and president of the Southern Pacific Railroad (founded in 1884). Huntington was known for being a strong lobbyist for railroad interests, a role that downplayed allegations that he was a Robber Baron, but instead, a champion of the railroad business and the people who make a living from this industry. These examples of the Robber Barons illustrate how philanthropy and actively participating in the lobbying process for legislation in the manufacturing industry have become strategies for the Robber Barons to continuously increase their wealth while at the same time….....

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