Robert Browning's Poem "My Last Essay

Total Length: 1650 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Chekhov employed an attitude similar to most nineteenth century short story writers, as he attempted to captivate the reader's attention through putting across concepts that would make it especially difficult for him or her to keep his or her state of mind. The lawyer and the banker both go through intense emotional and physical occurrences as they struggle to find their personal identity. The fact that the banker eventually comes to feel sorrow for his thinking is essential because the story provides readers with a turn of events as characters experience significant change as a result of observing that their previous perspective concerning the world was not necessarily accurate.

The moment when the reader becomes acquainted with the fact that the lawyer has won when considering his state of mind as he left confinement is essential for the short story. This concept and the fact that the banker starts to feel particularly bad about his situation satisfy both the writer's and the reader's need for closure. People basically feel that all is well when it ends well: the honest lawyer won something more important than money and the banker violently came to experience a change for the good. Chekhov provides a surprising twist with the purpose of bewildering readers and in order to provide them with the simple reality of life by emphasizing that individuals need to focus on matters that seem less important and that are actually the only things that really have a bearing.

It is not necessarily that Chekhov wanted his readers to be moved as a consequence of reading his short story. Instead, he wanted them to start thinking that they too should change their perspective in regard to life. He wanted them to experience a revelation as a result of identifying with the characters. The fact that the banker comes to consider that his condition is worse than the condition he was in at the time when he lost most of his finances enables readers to understand that he experienced a significant change and that he came to….....

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