Robots of the Future Article Review

Total Length: 646 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Robots: The future or elder care?" Heather Kelly begins by considering the situation faced by many people today: They are aging and in increasing need for assitance or at least for companionship. At the same time, people willing to be trained in caring for the elderly are exponentially diminishing in number. The author points out that, by 2050, 16% of the global population will constitute elderly people. To avoid a crisis in care, Kelly mentions that researchers have begun to look toward technology to help care for the expected increase in elderly people. In addition to automated homes, the author specificially considers the potential of robots to provide services such as detecting distress or simply providing companionship.

Kelly names a number of interesting benfits such robots may hold. They could, for example, play an important role in maintaining sharpness of mind in their owners by offering games, daily chatting, or challenges. They could also hold specific medical benefits, such as connecting patients and doctors on an online platform.
The need to visit the hospital for routine checups is therefore greatly reduced. Family members could also stay in touch more easily and more frequntly via online technology. This can also play a big role in ensuring the safety and well-being of elderly persons.

Kelly notes that, while Japan is already testing the technology for its own aging population, there are many ethical issues to consider. She also notes that the reliability and usability of the machines are much in need of improvement.

The first thing that engaged me about the article is its opening question: Would I let a robot function as live-in nurse for my elderly parents or grandparents? After some reflection, and after reading the rest of the article, I came to the conclusion that I would. The technology seems to offer a very useful platform form remaining connected to my parents in an online environment.

Indeed, all the advanages….....

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