Rock and Roll Stars As Role Models Term Paper

Total Length: 307 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Rock and Roll Stars as Role Models

We see them everywhere: music, TV, and movie personalities dominating the pages of popular magazines today, assuming an attitude or a role that their fans -- usually the youth, would admire and copy. Music personalities are especially influential in depicting and portraying specific images to the public: Madonna is depicted as the independent female, while the male band leaders are adored by men and women alike. However, there are also contentions against their apparent influence over society: more often than not rock and roll starts show attitudes that are not desirable to what society wants for themselves and for the youth.

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In effect, to some people, rock and roll stars (and entertainment personalities, for that matter) become bad influences to the society in general. However, one must take a pragmatist view of how to assess this issue (i.e., considering whether or not rock and roll stars….....

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