Role of Stakeholders Over the Last Several Essay

Total Length: 675 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Role of Stakeholders

Over the last several years, a variety of firms have been increasingly focused on quality. This is because stakeholders are demanding that there are improvements in these areas. To fully understand what is happening, there will be a focus on the role of these individuals in implementing quality management control processes. Together, these elements will show how firms are working with different stakeholders to achieve these objectives. (Foster, 2007)

Stakeholders are playing an integral part in helping to ensure that a company is addressing the needs of customers (through: product superiority and excellence). This means that there are many different individuals who will play an important role in reaching these goals to include: employees, managers and cliental. Employees are significant, because they are working directly with customers and suppliers. This is helps them to understand what is most important to consumers and how the firm can address these needs. The insights that are provided, will allow a corporation to reduce waste and enhance efficiency.

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At the same time, they can work with managers to introduce products and features that are most in demand. (Foster, 2007)

A good example of this can be seen with the development of the Google Android. What helped to make it so popular; is the company had employees using the device and then comment about what they think. This dealt with any kind of reliability issues and it ensured that the product had the most in demand features. When this occurred, quality control improved from incorporating these ideas into the design process. (DesMarasis, 2011) (Foster, 2007)

The management will play a direct role in implanting effective quality control procedures. The way that this takes place, is executives will work with employees and suppliers to address the needs of the firm. This means listening to their ideas and incorporating them into their policies and procedures. Once this occurs, is when there is a transformation in the operating environment and how it is able to reach a host.....

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