Romeo & Juliet Movie Production Critique This Essay

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Romeo & Juliet Movie Production Critique

This movie production critique is based on the William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet version, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Staring off with the set, this was based as Verona Beach, and portrayed as a modern day city. There are many references to religion in the set, with angel statues and shots of churches and areas of prayer. Also, many of the buildings in the inner city (away from the beach), are large skyscraper-like buildings with large signs denoting Montague or Capulet. The mansion of the Capulet's is large and opulent, with gardens, many staircases, many rooms, and a large pool where the infamous "Romeo, oh Romeo" scene takes place. Modernism is apparent in the billboards, beach front and gas stations shown.

Use of light during the day is infused with color and intensity. The sun shines with golden abundance and each characters eyes are lit up to intense brilliance. At night, use of neon signs, and white sparkle lights (especially during the costume party), help to keep the atmosphere festive and magical. Neon signage is also used during the day to light up various crosses and the names of each of the families. Candles are also used, which enhances the mood of the scene.

Costumes are a highly visual way to enhance the extreme modernism given to this version of the play. Capulets are dressed with well-tailored suits complete with vests and dress shoes, which make a viewer think of 1920s Chicago gangsters.

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Montagues are dressed as juvenile beach goers, with open colorful beach shirts, bare chests and shoulder holster, and loose fitting pants. During the revelry party, costumes range from a white sequin bikini and curly blonde wig for Mercutio, to a knight's costume and mask for Romeo. Juliet's mother is dressed as Cleopatra, and Paris is dressed as an astronaut. The Nurse is dressed as a nurse when working within the Capulet mansion, but when outside is usually seen dressed in a red 80s style skirt suit. Father Lawrence is seen dressed in many costumes. When we first meet him, he is shirtless with shorts, then changes into a beach shirt, which he then covers with his various ceremonial robes for mass. Romeo is seen wearing the usual juvenile costume several times, towards the middle and end, towards the beginning of the film he is seen wearing ill-fitting suits.

Closely related to costuming is the use of props. Guns have been replaced for "swords," and are seen on every character except the women. There is an emphasis on cars is this film version. The Capulets drive a neon blue 80s style sedan with customized plates reading "CAP 005," whereas the Montagues also drive a neon yellow convertible with "MON 005" customized plates. Romeo has his own car, which is an elongated, lowered silver gray convertible. Other props used are sunglasses of various styles for characters, and the use of….....

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