Room for Debate: Russia and the Liberal Essay

Total Length: 1240 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Room for Debate: Russia and the Liberal Ideal

The Liberal Ideal of the West, which grew out of the Romantic/Enlightenment era where men like Voltaire and Rousseau espoused the qualities of naturalism, freedom, and equality, is now being challenged by Russian President Vladimir Putin. He in turn is raising questions and rebuttals from those who oppose his regime's initiatives. Three articles from The New York Times show different perspectives on this challenge -- specifically, its effects on the social, political and economic situation of those it is aimed at rebuffing. This paper will identify the perspectives, synthesize the arguments, and put forth the new argument, which is this: while Western (and Eastern) liberals may object to these anti-liberal policies, as leader of Russia Putin has the right to oppose and/or support whatever ideals he deems healthy for Russia.

Each article shows why Russia's new anti-liberal direction is problematic for both liberal Russians and Westerners. "Pussy Riot Members Take Tour to New York" addresses the problem on the social scale. "Anti-Gay Policies Chill Viewers' Interest" addresses the problem on the economic scale. And "Anti-Gay Law Stirs Fears in Russia" addresses the problem on the political scale. The Pussy Riot article shows that the significance of Russia's stance is global and far-reaching. The "Viewers" article shows how the issue is significance for small business owners, who wish to support the liberal ideal but also bring in customers by showing the Winter Games on their TVs. The "Law" article shows the significance of Russia's stance politically, as Russia asserts a new "moral law" in the face of what it believes to be decadent Western values.

The Pussy Riot article provides the perspective that Russia's laws are uniting liberals across the world. Celebrity social activists like Susan Sarandon are meeting with the jailed (now released) members of Pussy Riot to promote opposition to Russia's anti-liberal stance.

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Bands like The Flaming Lips and artists like Peter Gabriel and Madonna are performing in New York to "raise awareness of what Amnesty calls prisoners of conscience" (Gladstone). The perspective of this article is sympathetic with the stance of Pussy Riot and the liberal ideals they represent. The phrase "prisoners of conscience" evokes the notion that the Pussy Riot members who oppose Russia's anti-liberal laws and were jailed for their protest are victims of anti-liberal oppression, that Russia is impinging on their right to follow their "conscience." The article does not suggest that Russian leaders also have a right to direct Russian citizens on how to properly form their consciences so that they are in conformity with the "moral law" that Russia desires to promote.

The issue of "moral law" is mentioned in the article that gives the political perspective of the issue, "Anti-Gay Law Stirs Fears in Russia." However, as the title of the article indicates, Russia's "moral law" is viewed as archaic, insensitive, aggressive and hostile to Western liberalist ideals. The article describes how the law views homosexuals as "perverts" and that there will be a "crackdown" on such people (Schwirtz). The language used in this perspective is meant to inspire fear among liberal citizens and draw attention to what appears to be ruthless lawmaking based on old world doctrine. Schwirtz notes that "Western governments" are urging Russian lawmakers to oppose the anti-liberal laws. This note is meant to appeal to hopeful liberal idealists, even as the rest of the article shows how hostile to liberalism Russia is fast becoming.

The perspective of the article that deals with the local economic impact of this issue is sympathetic to gay small business owners whose clientele….....

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