Rutgers Admission the Choice of Admission Essay

Total Length: 487 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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There are two courses presented that appear to be very interesting. The first is "special topics in accounting," which addresses ethical concerns. This is very important since accountants need to be ethical persons. The cut and thrust of business sometimes pressures individuals to engage in unethical practices. I believe that this course will assist in unearthing ethical challenges, thus keeping accountants honest. The second course is "current topics in auditing." Auditing is another facet of business that has held my interest, the cutting edge of the discipline will prepare me to engage firms from a very knowledgeable position.

In addition to the strong accounting program, Rutgers provides intellectual guidance for life. Life beyond Rutgers means that it is critical to be an independent thinker.

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This university fosters independent thinking. Where ever you go in life thinking about a situation from a fresh perspective is necessary. This type of approach is critical for the accounting profession. I think that once you are reasonably intelligent you can learn many professional skills. However, independent thinking is a pivotal habit necessary for success. Independent thinking is not taught or encouraged in many institutions of higher education. Rutgers encourages and advocates divergent thinking. I would like to take my life off the worn path and into new untouched areas of academic experiences. This essential theme of my life can be realized through a Rutgers education that focuses on creating thinkers rather than consumers of other men's thoughts......

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