Rwanda Genocide and Stories the Majority of Essay

Total Length: 755 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Rwanda Genocide and Stories

The majority of richer, stronger countries in the world failed to intervene during the genocide in Rwanda because they were part of the United Nations. While the UN does get involved in genocide issues, it is forbidden for other countries to get involved in internal disputes if there is no genocide taking place (Nyankanzi, 1998). Because the UN was not completely clear on what was taking place in Rwanda, and because it failed to act quickly, it later stated that its response (or lack of response, more accurately), was a complete failure (Nyankanzi, 1998). Many countries spoke out and wanted something done about the genocide that was taking place, and Rwanda was asked to end that aspect of the conflict. However, very little was done and the requests to stop the violence and killing were refused or simply ignored (Nyankanzi, 1998). While other countries could have done a lot to stop the genocide, the massive failure of the UN prevented any real value from occurring when it came to protection of the Rwandan citizens (Nyankanzi, 1998). There is little difference between the Rwandan genocide and what is taking place today in Syria, where people are being slaughtered.

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However, other countries were already involved in Syria, so they were not kept away in the same way that they were in Rwanda. That allowed them to move forward with attempts to stop the violence. Unfortunately, violence and massacres continue in Syria today.

In the stoning of Soraya M, the idea of stoning a person because she was not what she "should have been" comes to light. Soraya is asked for a divorce by her husband because he wants to marry a 14-year-old girl (Cannon, 2009). She refuses, so he finds a way to make it look as though she was being unfaithful to him. Even though she is innocent, women have very little say in anything in Iran (Simons, 2009). She is convicted, and she is stoned to death as punishment for cheating on her husband. The truth does come out later, and the man with whom she supposedly cheated admits that he was coerced and that he lied about the affair (Simons, 2009). Of course, it is too late for Soraya. In the end,….....

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