Salem Witch Trials a Personal Essay

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The children described, each one of them separately, seeing Sarah and the other women flying as specters through the night. The children, despite the threats they must have received from the women, they were brave and told the truth about what had happened. Other townspeople came forward with evidence I hadn't even heard of -- milk and cheese going rotten after a visit from one of the witches; animals tended by the women had deformed offspring;

As the trial went on, I was more and more convinced that poor Sarah had, in her desperation, turned to dark powers bigger than us all. It would have been easier if she would have confessed and plead on the mercy of Mr. Parris and his friends. I had seen what those poor young girls had suffered at these women's doing -- convulsions, fits, babbling, seeing into the evil spirit world -- and I knew that it had to stop. I was afraid for my own children, and the power of my past friendship was not enough to overrule my concern for the children and people of our town. When the verdit was declared, I was relieved and terribly saddened. Though I believed the evidence presented at the trial, it was heart-wrenching to think of what my friend had done.

I have been praying for Sarah's soul since her hanging. It is my greatest hope that Satan has released his hold on her and that she is able to rest in peace. Despite my agreement with the elders, and despite my relief at having Sarah and her companion witches away from our town and my children, I do not wish for her to live in eternal torment.
Was her life here on earth not torment enough? We have suffered enough death and destruction in this town, with the Indian war raging a mere day's ride from my very own home. I cannot believe that she would have willingly brought more to us. What must Satan have promised her to convince her to turn to his side? It surprised no one that she uttered a final curse at the moment of her execution. Good called out from the scaffolding, "You are a liar. I am no more a witch than you are a wizard, and if you take away my life God will give you blood to drink." If anyone had any doubts about her powers, they were put aside when poor Mr. Noyes, the man she had cursed, died from being taken over through the mouth by blood. Even if I had found all of the past proof unconvincing, I believe this alone would have been enough to sway me into accepting the terrible truth. What more evidence is required of the power of Satan unleashed than the power to kill a man merely through a curse, through calling on the power of evil to do your bidding. It was a terrible end to this entire circumstance. Sarah Good gave herself over to evil, but I will continue to pray for her to find some sort of peace in her eternal rest.


"The Examination of Sarah Good, March 1, 1692." Salem Trials. Web. Retrieved on March 18, 2010

"Sarah Good." Salem Trials. Web. Retrieved on March 17, 2010......

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