Salem Witches Witchcraft Has Been Term Paper

Total Length: 1839 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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In some cases, it seems to be okay to get rid of something or someone as long as those doing the removal believe that the individual was indeed involved in witchcraft.

Throughout the past few hundred years, witchcraft has been prevalent in many cultures. What we do know today is that witches do exist in some manner. They may not be flying through the air on a broomstick or creating fire from their fingertips, but there are people in the world who believe in magic. Those individuals use spells and rituals to try to charm people and fate into going in the direction they choose. Whether or not this is truly a bad thing remains to be seen, but some people feel it is bad and once they set out to rid the world of this evil that they believe is there, they get many followers.

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If this happens, hysteria begins and life can get very ugly for a lot of people.

Witchcraft as a religion may be different from culture to culture, but the reaction to it that non-believers and those who believe it to be a bad thing have seems to be similar no matter what year it occurs or what other cultural beliefs happen to be there. Some cultures, like the Asian and Native American cultures, embrace supernatural beliefs as a whole, but for many others, it is simply not dabbled with......

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