Salmon Ice Fishing, LLC Is a Seasonal Essay

Total Length: 566 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Salmon Ice Fishing, LLC is a seasonal business that allows inexperienced ice fishermen the chance to experience the sport guided by professionals in the field. Obviously, the season is weather dependent, but may last as long as October through March, but will typically be mid-November to the end of February. The service will be unique in that it will partner with various sporting good and equipment manufacturers strategically designed to allow for equipment rental, new equipment trial, and other services designed to cross-promote the businesses.

Internal Business Process Overview- An organization's measurement system affects the behavior of people inside and outside the organization. In order for an organization to grow in the technology driven market, they must use benchmarking management systems developed to control and monitor the entire strategic plan. Unfortunately, many firms implement strategies only around customer relationships rating their performance by financial measurements only. measurement must be tied to something specific -- it is not enough to simply measure for the sake of measuring, or measuring as an exercise to an end. The modern organization measures for:

Program and organizational effectiveness

Appropriate decision-making

Setting reasonable goals and objectives

Recognizing good, better, and great performance

The ability to intercede in time with poor or negligible performance

To inform stakeholders about progress on projects or organizational efforts

To hold x accountable for y

To motivate and promote

To establish what is vital from what is important -- and from what is merely interesting

To celebrate, learn, and move forward in a strategic direction (Bible, Kerr, and Zanini, 2006).

Salmon Ice Fishing Business Processes

Salmon Ice Fishing, LLC -- Balanced Scorecard -- Internal Operations Perspective




Active Programs

Means of Communication


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"Salmon Ice Fishing LLC Is A Seasonal" (2011, August 05) Retrieved June 2, 2024, from

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"Salmon Ice Fishing LLC Is A Seasonal", 05 August 2011, Accessed.2 June. 2024,