Samurai Shichinin No Samurai," Is Term Paper

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This film is distinguished from the average samurai film by the director's "masterful handling of cinematic technique," in which he captures the essence of a scene in a mere few moments with a series of glances rather than dialogue and special effects.

Moreover, Kurosawa creates a moral complexity of good and evil, creating sympathy for both the samurai and the farmers, and although the samurai are portrayed as heroic while the farmers are weak, he "also points out that heroic deeds are not always performed for noble reasons, and that there are different kinds of heroism." Kurosawa creates a "delicate juxtaposition between the samurais' graceful art of combat and the barbaric reality of war."

At the end, Kambei, the leader of this small group of samurai, realizes that the farmers, although weak, are the lucky ones, for they are at one with nature, "participating in the timeless ritual of life, death, and rebirth, symbolized by the communal rice planting," something which the samurai cannot participate.

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The farmers have roots, a community of family and friends who grow their own food and raise their families, "all of which are intergenerational, cyclical activities," while the samurai are rootless, destined to wander from one battle to the next.

This movie is surprisingly stunning, a visual masterpiece. The use of light and shadow creates a beautiful film that is comparable to any of Hollywood's great black and white movies from the 1930's and 1940's, such as "Citizen Kane" and "How Green Was My Valley." Ironically, it was Hollywood who imitated Kurosawa's film by remaking it into the 1960's John Sturges classic, "The Magnificent Seven." Kurosawa has created a timeless piece that will be remain as one of the great films in cinema history. The DVD contains the full-length version, 208 minutes, of the film, along with commentary by Michael Jeck. "Seven Samurai" is a classic film that will continue to influence film-makers everywhere.


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