San and Kinship Groups the Essay

Total Length: 619 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The San society in general and the kinship system in particular are very different from contemporary American society. In the U.S., it is highly unusual for adult children to continue living with their families, although this phenomenon has increased recently strictly as a function of the current economic recession and the comparative difficulty of finding employment after graduation. Americans do sometimes name children after relatives, but this is much less common and does not have the same connotations and rules that are associated with shared names in kinship societies. On the other hand, certain Western subcultures do have restrictions about naming children after living relatives.

In American families, it is normally expected that children will leave the family and start their own separate family, often far away from their birth places.
Extended families may sometimes include multiple generations within a household, but it is usually as a function of necessity, such as where young adults are struggling financially or elderly grandparents are no longer capable of taking care of themselves or living independently. With respect to the division of labor, males and females may do similar types of work but where one marital partner does not work outside the home it is much more often the female. Females also usually take on most of the responsibility for raising children even when they do also work outside the house. Finally, while certain local communities may share friendships and bonds among many families, providing for the family is a private matter rather than a communal effort......

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