Scholarship Application to Meet My Term Paper

Total Length: 352 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Great technology and market opportunity are only a few of the factors that determine success. The company must still execute effectively to exploit the opportunity before the competition does or before market dynamics that presented the opportunity change. This is why I believe a great analyst also needs the ability analyze the financial health of a company and the industry it participates in as well as the skills to understand and predict the equities fluctuations in the market.

I've given a great deal of thought not only about what I'd like to do, but also what I need to do to be really good at it. I realize that I need additional financial skills to be an effective IT industry analyst.

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Thank you for your consideration for the Asian Youth Fellowship scholarship that will help me obtain the financial training I am currently seeking. If received, I promise you that my academic and work performance will exceed your expectations......

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