Schools Kill Creativity? "The Memoirs Research Paper

Total Length: 764 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The idea is that imposing a concentration of coursework in reading, writing and arithmetic will make us more competitive with the world and better prepared for the future. According to Robinson, what the policymakers have failed to take into account is that the world is changing faster than ever in our history. He believes that the best hope for the future is to develop a new paradigm of human capacity to meet a new era of human existence. We need to create environments where every person is inspired to grow creatively in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Edward de Bono (2005) notes that not only is the amount of information students learn during the time they are at school very limited, much of the knowledge they acquire while at school is quickly outdated. On the other hand, access to all kinds of information has become incredibly easy. It is not what is taught that matters as much as knowing how to learn.

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Businesses all over the world have repeatedly expressed what they expect from their workforce: confidence in knowing how to learn, being able to deal positively with change both practically and emotionally, and flexibility and creativity in the ways one thinks.

According to de Bono (2005) schools are essentially anti-creative. In fact, he says, schooling and creativity are contradictions in terms. Most schools say mistakes are acceptable, individuality is valued, and new ideas are always welcome. The reality is in most schools mistakes are punished, conformity is rewarded and what is expected is regurgitation of information. The educational system stifles lateral thinking, discourages risk taking and mistakes, and breaking established patterns of thinking.


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