Scientific Misconduct. Of the Five Term Paper

Total Length: 871 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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However, college students are not an easily quantifiable demographic. Their age and other characteristics vary greatly, making it impossible to precisely categorize them. Second, it will be difficult to select random participants because, with the use of alcohol, the people most likely to participate in the study are those who enjoy drinking alcohol. This will effect the results because people who drink alcohol have a higher tolerance and thus will show less effect after consuming it. Third, because of the use of alcohol the company will have to ensure that all participants are legal. Further, the participants will have to be informed that they are drinking an intoxicating substance. This will make having a control and experimental group impossible because those drinking alcohol will have to know they are drinking, which could create a mental effect on their performance and thus effect the overall results. For these reasons, as chief researcher, I would advise the company president that this experiment will not be worth the time or effort and, even if it could be accomplished it would not have the intended results as it is established that drinking and driving is never a good choice.

Question Four:

Starting a research branch in a foreign country is always a difficult challenge.

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When the location is China, these challenges are even greater due to the numerous societal and cultural differences that exist. These differences will make it difficult for the department head to work in terms of hiring and supervising the local employees. For this reason, the first step I would need to take is to spend a significant amount of time learning about the culture and how business is done in China.

It would be essential for me to spend time with other research departments in China to observe and take notes on the research process. This will give me an opportunity to ask questions and become familiar with the general way business is done in China. I would also benefit from enrolling in a Chinese language and culture class, preferably through a business school, in order to be acquainted with the cultural norms that may effect how I operate my research department. Finally, I would want to hire a Chinese head researcher to act as the human resources chair and assist me heavily with the hiring and training of my employees.


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