612 Search Results for United States and Russia After the Cold

ARTEK Pioneer Camp The Pioneer Term Paper

But as for the modern version of ARTEK, the writer claims "...the camp has little in common with the ideology that reigned at ARTEK in Soviet times... [and] is similar to boy and girl scout camps in the West." Indeed, Bransten writes that during th Continue Reading...

Sudan Conflict Brief History of Term Paper

The continued reunification of Sudan, remains to be fully realized, even some 7 years after the official end to the civil war. Oppression and lack of representation still occur as do more subtle marginalizing tactics on the part of the favored gove Continue Reading...

Crucible Vs. McCarthyism Fear over Essay

Most of the American public did not know what communism or Marxism really was as an ideology, they simply knew that it was 'bad' and it was 'un-American,' although logically it could be argued that nothing is more un-American than prosecuting a pers Continue Reading...

Hannah Arendt, Jews, And Politics Essay

The economy of the totalitarian state must be effectively directed with only so much control that the system can be directed effectively; it must obtain growth and combat economic problems to the best of its ability so as to ensure political, socia Continue Reading...

Corporal Punishment As It is Term Paper

Not all children will respond to positive reinforcement, but sometimes even drastic negative reinforcement such as corporal punishment does not work on these children. In general, however, positive reinforcement is only one way to teach children dis Continue Reading...