655 Search Results for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Case Analysis

Informed-Consent-and-Consent Term Paper

consent a "yes or no" response? Enhancing the shared decision-making process for persons with aphasia Informed consent constitutes a legal and moral requisite for any research works that involve fellow human beings. Study subjects are provided info Continue Reading...

Group Counseling Essay

support group for women who have been incarcerated in relation to the necessary steps in this process. The discussion begins by providing an overview of the significance of support groups in dealing with various issues affecting groups or population Continue Reading...

Psychological Trait Theory Research Paper

Psychological Trait Theory in Criminology: The field of criminology can basically be described as the scientific study of criminals and criminal behavior since professionals in this field try to develop theories that explain the reason for the occur Continue Reading...

Gay/Lesbian Studies - Marriage Issues Thesis

61). In principle, adults tend to be drawn to potential romantic partners at least partly because part of the so-called chemistry between them reflects familiar aspects of their psychological pasts. Therefore, as pertains to marital communication iss Continue Reading...

How It Promotes Sexual Violence Term Paper

English Comp How Pornography Promotes Sexual Violence Against Women Pornography, like rape, is a male invention, designed to dehumanize women, to reduce the female to an object of sexual access, not to free sensuality from moralistic or parental in Continue Reading...