994 Search Results for Two Natures in Christ

Ignoring Sin: A Look at Term Paper

There is no judgment from God on the believer, nor annoyance with God in respect to the believer -- neither in the last day nor today. From a familial aspect, God is significantly displeased with our behavior and punishment is sure -- either from G Continue Reading...

Applying Servant Leadership Within a Thesis

Furthermore, when groups began people naturally turned to the group leader for direction and advice. It would be accurate to state that most of the relating was to the group leader at that point. However, by exercising linking behavior, I was able Continue Reading...

Song of Roland or La Term Paper

These characters possess freewill, such as Ganelon and his plotting against the Franks. But the God in the epic does intervene to make sure that good really comes out victorious in the end, such as when he makes Thierry win over Pinable in a duel. Continue Reading...

Jesus in the Quran Vs. Term Paper

" And to exercise the opposite acts and forms of behavior befitting the followers of Jesus, in whom dwells His Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekn Continue Reading...

Evil and the Holy Cross Research Paper

Personal Theodicy Apologetics The problem of evil is something everyone has to face sooner or later. As Schlesinger points out, philosophers want to understand “why there is any suffering in the world at all.”[footnoteRef:2] The problem w Continue Reading...

Ears Are Blasted Daily by the Drumbeat Essay

ears are blasted daily by the drumbeat of environmental forewarnings. The seas are rising. The glaciers are melting. Don't drive -- take the bus. Recycle. Turn off the lights. Adjust that thermostat. Save the polar bears! Reduce your carbon footprin Continue Reading...

Religion Our Universe and Our Term Paper

The aim of Christian faith is not to reject the truth of the universe or our individual characteristics, like some religions give, but to gratify our genuine yearnings. Christian faith gives an extremely reasonable contentment, as it encompasses the Continue Reading...

Christianity Vs. Cults Term Paper

CULTS VS. CHRISTIANITY Christianity is the religion of millions of people in the world. Christians, the followers of Jesus Christ and the Bible, face multitude of problems and challenges from other religious cults, (they claim to be based on Bible) Continue Reading...

Problem of Evil Term Paper

The problem of evil refers to the existence of evil in the world. If God is good, why does He permit evil to occur? Ivan takes the question a bit further by putting it this: he can understand evil happening to those who deserve it, who are not good&m Continue Reading...

Revolution and Faith in European Art Essay

Romantic and Neoclassical Paintings Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres and Eugene Delacroix were contemporaries -- but they practiced two very different styles: the former was a Neoclassical painter and the latter a Romantic painter. Neoclassicalism emph Continue Reading...

Original-Sin-and-God Research Paper

King David as Described in 2 Samuel 11 Samuel 11 describes the events surrounding the sin of King David with regard to Uriah, whom he essentially had executed so that David's adultery with Uriah's wife would not be made known to him. This shameful Continue Reading...

Reflection Assessment God Love Essay

Friendship, Marriage and God One of the most compelling themes of the Christian gospel is love. Christian love refers to many things including the divine love of God for Creation, and also to human love for each other. Human love can manifest in a n Continue Reading...

The Story Line of the Pentateuch Book Review

Waiting for the Land: The Story Line of the Pentateuch is a book by Arie C. Leder that was published in 2010. Primarily, the book aims at analyzing each part of the Pentateuch to identify the bigger picture. Through the book, Leder analyzes all parts Continue Reading...

Faustus and Everyman An Analysis Term Paper

Faustus, who sees his time also coming to a close, becomes a kind of Hamlet-figure and doubts that he can be forgiven. Faustus' problem is more than a life of misdeeds -- it is a problem of lack of faith. The faith of Everyman may have been lukewarm Continue Reading...

Clare of Assisi Research Paper

Clare of Assisi Saint Clare of Assisi was not a feminist in the modern sense, but then again no such ideas existed at all in the 13th Century. By all accounts, though, she was a formidable and powerful woman who was the first in history to found a r Continue Reading...

Dracula An Analysis of the Thesis

The girl is freed from her captor, but only at the cost of the life and soul of the young priest: the power of Christ merely served to anger the devil -- it did not subjugate him; such would have been too meaningful in the relativistic climate of th Continue Reading...