999 Search Results for Ethical or Social Justice

Ethics in Group Counseling Term Paper

Ethics in Group Counselling Ethics in Group Counseling Group Therapy Counselling: Ethics The ethical concerns of therapists have been getting larger in quantity and sophistication. Managed care demands professionals to think about problems with d Continue Reading...


Most of the subjects who took part in the Belmont research were inmates, under privileged children or black people. This research violated these person's rights. By using inmates, the researchers were looking for people who could be easily coerced t Continue Reading...

Nike and Child Labor Thesis

The Secretary of Labor shall provide by regulation or by order that the employment of employees between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years in occupations other than manufacturing and mining shall not be deemed to constitute oppressive child labo Continue Reading...


A comprehensive approach to ethical journalism might incorporate all three concerns by focusing on the duty to protect the welfare of the people within the U.S. By ensuring that all journalism is truthful, unencumbered by conflicts of interests, and Continue Reading...

White Collar Crime Term Paper

white-collar crime. Specifically, it will focus on white-collar crime in America, including reasons why it occurs so frequently in the United States, and what business, industry, and the courts can do to combat it. White-collar crime is not a new id Continue Reading...

Laws That Have Been Changed Capstone Project

Written into the legal changes would be protocols for review of cases to re-determine parole eligibility in certain cases but especially those where the latter crimes were non-violent and relatively minor offences. Because of this review aspect the Continue Reading...

Death Penalty is One of Thesis

It would seem that many criminals would find this more amusing than frightening. They do not take their chances of being caught and subjected to capital punishment seriously enough to be frightened by the penalty like many assume they will be (van d Continue Reading...

Death Penalty The United States Term Paper

Murder cannot be a decried and yet practiced by the same entity without being hypocritical. Innumerable individuals on death row have been wrongfully convicted due to any number of reasons. The appeals of death row inmates sometimes never get heard. Continue Reading...

Organized Crime Real Estate Finance Essay

The Struggle against Organised Crime in Australia: The Challenges and Opportunities for the Criminal Justice SystemOrganised crime poses a significant threat to societies globally, eroding economic stability, undermining governance, and triggering pu Continue Reading...

Need to End Solitary Confinement Essay

Solitary Confinement Introduction As Clark (2017) points out, solitary confinement is typically a disciplinary, administrative or personal measure employed to punish, control or protect the individual who is isolated from others. However, the practic Continue Reading...

Stanford Prison Experiment Essay

Stafford Prison Experiment is a study and film based on the study detailing the psychological effects people undergo when becoming a prison guard or prisoner. Stanford University held the conduction of the experiment from August 14-20 in 1971. Psych Continue Reading...

White Collar Crime Essay

White Collar Crime Theoretical Perspectives of Criminal Behavior Three broad theoretical models of criminal behavior have historically prevailed. These models include psychological models of criminality, sociological models of criminality, and biol Continue Reading...

Substance Abuse Term Paper

High-Risk Population for Group Therapy-Substance Abuse/Addiction One high-risk population that has been pinpointed when it comes to engaging in therapy with substance abuse are Hispanic and Latino women. "The pattern of illicit drug use among Hispa Continue Reading...

Ethics in Technology Research Paper

Ethics in Technology Business - Management The purpose of this paper is to highlight and present the ethical issues that are involved in using modern technology. The paper highlights some of the current ethical issues faced by computer users that a Continue Reading...

John Rawls Mencious and Naturalism Essay

John Rawls / Mencius John Rawls's A Theory of Justice is concerned with distributive rather than retributive justice: there is precious little discussion of crime and punishment in Rawls's magnum opus, but plenty of discussion about equality and fai Continue Reading...

Nursing Policy Issue Analysis: The Essay

" (Allen 2008) This means that nursing educators are also a key stakeholder. Other stakeholders include healthcare facility administrators, corporate trustees and public office holders, who will often have entangled or competing interests relating t Continue Reading...

Human Services When We Named Term Paper

By focusing on our own worries about grades or self-image, we were doing ourselves and our careers a disservice. The two of us managed to pull together the draft of the report with no problem because we were willing to put aside our self-interest in Continue Reading...

Capital Punishment Death Penalty Term Paper

Capital Punishment The issue of the death penalty and capital crime has become one of the dominant issues debated in contemporary culture. The reason for this is firstly a moral questioning of the right to take a life, even when it is in retribution Continue Reading...

New Nurses and Managers Essay

New Nurses and Managers: Organizational Analysis As the nursing profession evolves and rises to meet modern demands, we are faced with growing complexities in our profession and in our workplaces. From the orientation and socialization of new nurses Continue Reading...