993 Search Results for U S S R and the United States

19th Amendment and Women's Issues Term Paper

Some of them may have failed at first, such as Abigail Adams and Mercy Otis, who unsuccessfully lobbied the authors of the U.S. Constitution to include women's rights in the document. Over and above, abolitionist women drew parallels between the con Continue Reading...

History of Mental Health in the United Essay

history of mental health in the United States has not always been a pleasant one. Prior to the mid-20th century those unfortunate numbers of Americans who were considered mentally ill were either ignored or placed in asylums (Philo, 1997). The asylu Continue Reading...

Today's Russian Mafia Term Paper

communism," "vodka," may be "Vladimir Putin." But everyone who would be asked about Russia would also say "Russian mafia" who are very cruel and dangerous gangs from Russia and who wouldn't stop behind anything in achieving their dirty plans. The t Continue Reading...

Retail Store's HR Manager Term Paper

Performance Management Job description for Retail Sales Associate In today's 'brick and mortar' retail environments, one of the most critical objectives is to create an excellent customer experience. Management of the customer experience is a conce Continue Reading...

Hegel's System: The New Philosophy Thesis

In fact, development of the idea will be substituted for life (Hegel, 1988). The article on natural right and the System der Sittlichkeit complete each other. The first is destined to reveal a new way of posing the problem of natural right while th Continue Reading...

Mexican War 1846-1848 Essay

Mexican-American War (1846-1848) The Great Territorial Loss From the perspective of the United States, the Mexican-American War, together with the Louisiana Purchase, represented important land acquisitions as part of the country's relentless expan Continue Reading...

Appointment of John Bolton As Term Paper

He has the well-earned reputation of being the "a hawk's hawk in the Bush administration" (Corn, 2005). For instance, when the Bush administration did not get UN's backing for its war in Iraq, Bolton observed that was "further evidence to many why n Continue Reading...

Start the Fire: A Look Essay

Even in modern times, a disproportionate number of homeless people are Vietnam vets. Obviously, the Vietnam War had an impact on American history. However, the end of the Vietnam War had an ever greater impact on the American psychology. The Vietna Continue Reading...

Immigration in America: 19th Century Essay

This doesn't explain why the Irish had such a difficult time, but in America, religious differences are often the cause of intolerance as well. The truth is that without immigrants in the 19th, 20th, and 21st century -- and of course the two hundred Continue Reading...

Texas V. Johnson America, the Term Paper

") Represtitive Ron Paul against the amendment states, "(R.-Tex.) I had serious questions about the resolution. "I am concerned that we are going to do something here today that Castro did in Cuba for 40 years. There is a prohibition against flag-bu Continue Reading...

Presidents in My Opinion My Term Paper

George H.W. Bush George Herbert Walker Bush, possibly the most underestimated president of recent times, is my choice for the fifth spot. It is perhaps understandable why Bush Sr. is often excluded from most people's list of "great" U.S. President Continue Reading...

Cold War International System Essay

China and the Cold War The term "cold war" is used for explaining the shifting efforts of the Western powers and the Communist bloc from the ending of World War II until 1989 in order to attain supremacy influence and esteem on a global level. If se Continue Reading...

Bible and Law - Abortion Research Paper

And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life" King James Version ( Exodus 21:22-23) This is an example of an abortion case which is minimal yet needs justice to be served by the civil authorities. In this example, there are four s Continue Reading...

Crash of Japan Airlines Flight Case Study

The Boeing 747-300 model was designed to hold 600 passengers. But the founder of America's Flight Safety foundation, Jerome Lederer, commented that evacuation of such numbers in the event of disaster would be troublesome. Sitting next to an emergenc Continue Reading...