998 Search Results for american history during early 20th century

Civil Rights in the Gilded Thesis

Only with the passage of the Civil Rights Act 1964 and Voting Rights Act 1965 did the legacy of 'Jim Crow' truly end, many years after Plessy v. Ferguson was declared legally invalid in Brown. These two acts gave legislative 'teeth' to the Brown de Continue Reading...

Racial Ethnic Groups Term Paper

Blacks or African-American Groups and compare / contrast them with Whites people on the following characteristics: depiction in firms, treatment in society, and employment and education. Depiction in Films The mass media have long influenced the p Continue Reading...

Gun Control Right to Bear Arms Essay

Embedded into the express rights and freedoms of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights is the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment states explicitly the purpose for its existence: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the secu Continue Reading...

Theory -- Horotwitz & Bartholomew Chapter

c. Other theorists (Modern Attachment Theories) Upon the establishment and strengthening of Bowlby and Ainsworth's Attachment Theory, other theorists have developed new studies which either tested the theory or sought to apply it in different cont Continue Reading...

Racism and the Rise of Term Paper

Antiaffirmative action Proposition 209 in 1996 had a similarly divisive effect on the state's population. (Heikkila & Pizarro, 2002, p. 8) The propositions do not welcome immigration, a commonplace occurrence on the official and unofficial leve Continue Reading...

Korean War Korea Won Independence Term Paper

The Republicans rallied behind MacArthur who did not stifle his view that America should attack enemy bases in China, even at the risk of a wider war. Truman was incensed. The battle in Washington was soon drawing bigger headlines than the battle i Continue Reading...

The Tourism Industry in Mexico Essay

Introduction American tourism in Mexico provides a window into understanding U.S.-Mexico relations. By promoting tourism as a path to economic development, Mexico shows that it is still dependent on the U.S. This is the same U.S. that fought a war wi Continue Reading...

Good Hair Bad Hair Term Paper

Hair" "Bad Hair" The relationship between politics and African-American hair is tenuous at best. Any researcher would be hard pressed to find another race or group of people whose hair factors into its politics. Indeed, such a notion borders on rid Continue Reading...

Ethical Issues of South Africa's Term Paper

South Africa consequently had to arrange for a down payment of $600 million at a rate perceived to be extraordinarily high. It was too late for the country to induce any negotiations of the deal. Serious agreements ensued thus maneuvering South Afri Continue Reading...

Kodak & Fuji Eastman Kodak Term Paper

The company finds itself having to try to attract talented people, but without the cash or desirable location (sorry, Rochester) to attract the best talent. Further, there is perpetual uncertainty about the future of the company. Thus, reinventing i Continue Reading...

Vaccinations and Public Health Term Paper

government be allowed to overrule the desires of parents when it comes to public health issues like vaccinations? Support your position We live in the 2000s not the pre- and early '50s when polio was a disease as feared then as cancer is today. It Continue Reading...

Vietnam War Explained Through the Term Paper

This ability to use the bipolar system to its advantage helped North Vietnam to win its war for independence and to take over South Vietnam in 1975. Realism not only fully explains the actions of each state in this conflict, but it also predicted th Continue Reading...

Tulsa Riots "The Next Day Thesis

The Greenwood neighborhood was literally, an ash heap. But rebuild they did. The tightness of the community returned -- most say it never left -- and their religious faith kept them going. They returned as well to all of the values, traditions, and Continue Reading...

Asian Youth Although Most Adults Term Paper

Gayatri Gopinath, associate professor of women and gender studies at the University of California at Davis, says that many of these young Asian-Americans who join artistic subcultures are individuals who cross over from one country to another in ad Continue Reading...

Black nor White the Saga Term Paper

Though the color boundaries were frequently blurred and the circumstances for all were divergent and difficult, there was a clear sense of the morality of the eras not completely dictating the events and eventualities. In a sense the Jim Crow era sp Continue Reading...

Aftermath Atomic Age Essay

Atomic Bomb AftermathB. As a counter-measure to fears of the Atomic Bomb, the prospect of nuclear energy and associated technologies had the effect of redirecting public anxieties from fear of nuclear annihilation to a bright future of new technologi Continue Reading...

Raymond Loewy. At First I Thought I Essay

Raymond Loewy. At first I thought I wanted to focus on a single design item that he was responsible for, such as the Lucky Strike logo, the coke bottle design or the shell icon for shell gasoline, or the minimalistic Loewy clock. However, I realized Continue Reading...

Swastika -- As Many People Essay

Imagine being a time traveler, and returning to England during the Middle Ages; the swastika was called "fylfot" in England and it represented something positive. And then upon arriving at an ancient temple in China the time traveler again would se Continue Reading...

Role Islam Played in the Thesis

According to Hiro (2001), "During the Iran-Iraq War it openly backed Baghdad, arguing that its defeat would lead to the spread of Islamic fundamentalism in the region which would hurt Western interests. It was the French corporations that were build Continue Reading...

Oil and the U.S. In Term Paper

" This argument makes some sense in light of the role OPEC plays and the presumed ties between terrorist regimes like Al Qaeda and oil. In fact, Bin Laden's brother was a stakeholder in President Bush's own Arbusto Oil Company (Wiles 2001). Bin Laden Continue Reading...

Helmut Newton Research Paper

art of Helmut Newton and state a vision of modern fashion photography through his work and visual influence on the 20th century art. The conception of the female figure as a subject of art has changed through history and evolved according to the dem Continue Reading...